Saturday, February 24, 2018

S.A.D. At the End of Winter

     This winter has been upside down. When in the middle of dysfunctional days, the urge to hide from the outside world creeps up like a spider web. Pretty soon November, December, and January have passed and February is almost gone. I look back and see one long cycle of disturbed circadian rhythm, where sleep times are upside down. Waking up at 3:00 in the afternoon, after sleeping from 6:00 a.m.

     Instead of taking steps to halt what is easily defined as dysfunction, I have come to a kinder place and changed my shame-based ideas. This cycle is how I function. I wake up in a better mood at 3:00 p.m. I get some things done and feel more peaceful. I feel safer at home today. It is OKAY.

     I am going to try to grow my day from a place of self-acceptance. I am going to tell myself encouraging, accepting messages. Instead of calling it Seasonal Affective Disorder, a negative and disturbing "diagnosis"; this is simply a seasonal change in how I function best.

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